Payment Methods :
Payment can be made :
1. via bank transfer to the following banks :
Bank Danamon or BII
Due to security reason, we will give you more details after you make your order
2. via paypal account :
please send to our email account :
We will only process delivery to confirmed fund transfer.
Confirmed transactions will be delivered as soon as possible.
Every unconfirmed order will be valid for 3 days, after 3 days we will cancel the order.
in the case that you have not receive your order in 1 week after confirmation, please contact us imediately.
Thank you for your attention.
Payment can be made :
1. via bank transfer to the following banks :
Bank Danamon or BII
Due to security reason, we will give you more details after you make your order
2. via paypal account :
please send to our email account :
We will only process delivery to confirmed fund transfer.
Confirmed transactions will be delivered as soon as possible.
Every unconfirmed order will be valid for 3 days, after 3 days we will cancel the order.
in the case that you have not receive your order in 1 week after confirmation, please contact us imediately.
Thank you for your attention.